In a photo posted to Twitter by Kaylan Mahomes, the girl poses with her mother and identical twin sister. The thing is, it's not clear which of the women is the mother and which two are the daughters.

It's unclear how old the twin girls are, but all three women in the photo look the same age.

"The fact that one of these women is the mother to the other two, is mind-blowing," one news outlet wrote.

Before you scroll down for the answer, can you guess which woman is the mom?

Some social media users were positive the mother was the figure in the middle because they said the two on the outside were "obviously" twins.

Others said it couldn't be the woman in the middle because a mother wouldn't sit in the back seat.

The answer lies in Mahomes' caption for the photo: "Mom, twin & me."

The mother is the woman on the far left, and the twins are the girls to the right.