Be an inspiration: If you’ve made positive changes in your diet and/or fitness routine and are happy with the results, please share your success with us. Include your email address, a daytime phone number and before and after photos (by mail or JPEG). Write: Success Stories, c/o Patty Murphy, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30346-1301; or e-mail Michelle C. Brooks,
SUCCESS STORY / Kelley Theodocion, 49: From 200 pounds to 155 pounds
Former weight: 200 pounds
Current weight: 155 pounds
Pounds lost: 45 pounds
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Age: 49 years
How long she's kept it off: "I started in March of 2014 and my current weight is 155 pounds. I am working daily to be the best version of myself that I can be. I don't have a goal weight in my mind. I just want to be healthy and strong in body, mind, and spirit."
Personal life: "I am a native of Atlanta and single," said Theodocion. "I started my 22nd year of teaching middle school students last week; I teach middle grades language arts and social studies for Henry County Schools." She lives in Hampton.
Turning point: "In February of 2014 [on a cruise], I met a health and fitness coach with Holland America Cruise Line. She helped me put the pieces of the puzzle together – especially in the area of nutrition. Past attempts at weight-loss failed because I was focused on the number of calories in the food I was eating, and I most definitely underestimated those numbers. In addition, I was addicted to fast-food and processed food and probably using food as an anti-depressant. I knew that I was not living the victorious and abundant life that God had designed for me."
Diet plan: "To help me with portion control, I purchase nutritionally balanced dinners from Fresh-N-Fit Cuisine ( five days a week. I like that the meals are not frozen or dehydrated."
Exercise routine: "I do strength training at Gold's Gym Mondays and Wednesdays. I add a TRX class on Fridays. On the weekend, I visit either Kennesaw Mountain or Stone Mountain for a walk and hike to the summit. I have a goal of walking at least 15 miles a week."
Biggest challenge: "My biggest challenge was to stop comparing myself to others and learning to celebrate non-scale victories such as going a week without drinking a soda or going a month without going to a fast-food restaurant … It is a challenge to make time for workouts and walking, but I am a better teacher when I take care of myself."
How life has changed: "Before making these changes, I was lying to get out of social events and becoming more and more reclusive. Since making these changes in nutrition and activity, my confidence, energy and self-esteem has increased exponentially. A special motto has been: This is the year of YOU! This is your movie; you write all of the scenes."
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