SUCCESS STORY / Ines Sanchez, 40: From 219 pounds to 164 pounds
Former weight: 219 pounds
Current weight: 164 pounds
Pounds lost: 55 pounds
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Age: 40
How long she kept it off: Started in May 2011 and reached her current weight in January.
Personal life: "I live with my husband of 17 years. We have three sons, ages 15, 12, 7, and two dogs. My mother moved in with us this past summer to better care for her medical needs," Sanchez said. "I work for Cobb County Schools as a speech language pathologist diagnostician."
Turning point: "My last pregnancy was high-risk. That caused me to put on a considerable amount of weight. After the initial months with the baby, I knew I needed to get back to a healthier weight to better care for my family. I have been in weight-loss mode during most of my adolescence and adulthood," Sanchez said. "This time around, support to balance fitness, mental wellness and eating real foods has allowed this weight-loss journey to be more effective. … I began the weight loss using Beachbody programs, T-25 and 21-day fix, followed up with tracking using that continues today paired with the support from Sparkle A New You."
Diet plan: "I currently follow a combination of paleo and Whole30 eating," she said. Breakfast is nuts and berries, a hard-boiled egg and half an avocado. Lunch is chicken and a sweet potato. For dinner, she has beef, fish or shellfish with veggies.
Exercise routine: "I currently exercise two to three times a week using a rebounding trampoline workout that mixes cardio and strength training," Sanchez said. "I also run on the weekends and supplement the rest of the week with extra walking or barre or yoga classes."
Biggest challenge: "The biggest challenge during the weight-loss journey has been to remain focused and consistent," she said. "There have been plenty of ups and downs on the scale and an ankle injury."
How life has changed: " 'Strong' and 'empowered' are words I would not have previously used to describe myself," Sanchez said, "but thanks to the motivation and help from the Sparkle and fitness communities, I feel confident and believe in myself to take on new adventures. I love having the confidence and extra energy to take on goals in life I once thought unattainable and plan a future filled with fun memories and new experiences. I continue to work on my weight loss as I have not reached my ultimate goal." This year she is running in two half-marathons. "My weight-loss journey was not a quick one," she said, "so understanding that my journey was my own and trying not to compare with others helped me to remain focused and motivated to continue even when progress did not always seem evident."
Share Your Success: Each week, Success Stories focuses on an individual’s unique weight loss journey. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution does not endorse any specific weight loss program but includes names and links for the benefit of readers who want further information. Have you lost weight successfully with a healthy lifestyle change? If you would like to share your story with our readers, please include your email address, phone number, and before and after photos (by mail or JPEG), and contact us at: Success Stories, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30346-1301; or email Michelle C. Brooks,
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