Father’s Day gift ideas for lawns, patios and porches can be practical or quirky. Depending on the fatherly figure in your life, gifts can match their personality or help make life easier when caring for the lawn.

Here are outdoor-focused products for all budgets and for different dads.


Make the chore of mowing the lawn more manageable with a new lawnmower. Options include the John Deere D105 Tractor Mower, a 17.5-horsepower mower with automatic transmission and a cast-iron front axle. Suggested retail price is $1,499 (johndeere.com) and mowers are sold at retailers including The Home Depot and Lowe’s.

If you want to splurge, but not that much, think of an essential component for outdoor entertaining – the grill. Upgrade dad’s grill with versions such as Weber’s line of Spirit grills like the E-310, a propane gas grill with three stainless steel burners. The grill also has what Weber calls the Gourmet Barbecue System (GBS) grate system, which means a pizza stone, wok and other components can be added. Suggested retail price for the grill is $499, at stores such as The Home Depot (weber.com for a list of retailers). If the grill’s good already, extras could include a metal fish basket ($9.97) and rib rack ($12.99) from Weber.


If you’re buying a gift for someone who prefers to have the “man cave” outdoors, items can add personality to patios, porches and decks. Consider these gifts an upgrade over the art project you made as a kid for Father’s Day. Outside Inside Gifts, a Spokane, Washington-based company, sells bird feeders shaped like a moose, bear, hurricane lantern and other images. The bird feeders are made of hand-painted metal and come with hangers. Retails from $26.95-$36.95, outsideinsidegifts.com.

Ceramic sculptures can get tacky quickly, but modern designer Jonathan Adler’s white ceramic elephant is a playful piece that could be used on a covered or screened porch (the size is 10.25-by-7 inches). The pieces are handcrafted in Peru, and other ceramic animals with the same bold geometric design include a terrier, monkey, hedgehog and turtle (jonathanadler.com). The pieces retail for $77-$147 at retailers such as Accompany (accompanyus.com).

This may be work or relaxation, but if marshmallow roasting has become a family tradition, options include Weber’s glow-in-the-dark skewers ($9.97, HomeDepot.com) or the telescoping glow skewers from Sur La Table ($11.96, surlatable.com).

Let dad take a break in the single swing with curved arms from Hatteras Hammocks, a North Carolina company. The pillowy seat cushions include the appropriately named “Hamptons Summer Stripe” pattern, which has a nautical look and uses synthetic DuraCord outdoor fabric. The cushioned swing is a twist on the traditional hammock. Single swing priced for $279.99 (double version also available) at hatterashammocks.com (to order or for a store locator).

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