Georgia Gives Day: By the numbers

$782,225 in 24 hours - how much was raised last year.

1,346 - how many nonprofits participated in 2012.

1,970 - how many nonprofits will participate this year.

$1 - the smallest single gift in 2012.

$10,000 - the largest single gift in 2012.

11,832 - number of nonprofits registered in Georgia.

$50 - can supply a week of art classes for 25 youths

3.8 million - number of working people in the state.

$76.3 million - how much could be raised if each working person gave $20

For information:

Georgia Gives on Facebook at Facebook/Gagives

Georgia Gives on Twitter @Gagives

*Source: Georgia Center for Nonprofits

Most of us may not think about the role that Georgia nonprofits play in our daily lives.

Consider, though, going to a play at 7 Stages Theatre.

Or think about where you might turn for support and information if your or a relative suffers from Alzheimer’s, cancer or heart disease.

On Nov. 13, Georgians can open their wallets - virtually - for good causes during the second annual Georgia Gives Day.

People can donate throughout the year, but having a designated day helps raise awareness about the “worth and the work” of nonprofits, said Karen Beavor, CEO of the Georgia Center for Nonprofits, which is behind the fundraising campaign.

“We’re trying to create the largest single day of generousity in the state,” Beavor said. “It’s like one big lightning strike.”

Similar days are held throughout the nation.

The Georgia Gives Day website,, lists nonprofits in several categories from animal causes to groups that help veterans.

“Nonprofits make our lives better in so many ways,” Beavor said.Last year, the campaign raised nearly $800,000 in one day. “We’re really trying to get people to understand that online giving is as simple as online banking.”

She said nonprofits typically lag behind the rest of the economy during a downturn or a recovery. After the recovery started, nonprofits - particularly those with government contracts - were hit by the budget sequestration, because nonprofits. They saw funding delayed, reduced or ended.

She said most nonprofits in Georgia have less than six months in reserves. “But they’re not going to stop feeding people. They will continue their mission.”