LONDON — Fashion weeks are not the friendliest events for larger women — or anyone else not tall, slim and perfectly put together. But Hayley Hasselhoff says there’s no reason why plus-sized models shouldn’t get the same recognition as stick-thin ones.

The 21-year-old model and daughter of Baywatch star David “The Hoff” Hasselhoff was making her debut catwalk appearance Friday at London’s Plus Size Fashion Weekend.

The showcase coincides with, but isn’t related to, London Fashion Week, but organizers hope larger models like Hasselhoff could eventually be included on mainstream runways.

“Calling it ‘plus size’ doesn’t do it justice,” she said after walking in a sneak-peek show for reporters. “It’s about women with curves, and women of all shapes and sizes. I just hope one day (events like this) will get the same respect.”

Hasselhoff, who says she’s a U.S. size 12 to 14, has been modeling since she was 14. She’s recently returned to the catwalk after taking time for acting classes.

The showcase, only in its second year, features four catwalk showcases of bridal wear, swimsuits and lingerie. It’s still a small event, but is almost certainly going to grow — the average British woman’s size is now a 14 to 16 (U.S. 10 to 12).

David Hasselhoff had planned to show up to support his daughter but pulled out due to work commitments.

Hayley didn’t seem to think it was a big deal. “I’m not bothered either way,” she said: “He’s always in my heart.”