Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has called for an end to the fighting and bombing in Gaza.

“Both sides must distinguish between combatants and noncombatants, and Israel must ensure that its use of force is proportionate in accordance with international humanitarian law. More immediately, all combat operations must stop, and Israeli troops should withdraw from Gaza,” Carter said in a statement released Tuesday.

So far, more than 600 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed in the fighting, according to reports. The Israeli death toll is estimated at 29, including two civilians.

Humantarian groups have also called for an end to the fighting, citing the civilian loss of life as well as deteriorating conditions in the area.

Carter also called on the international community to use a ceasefire agreement to ” advance the reunification of Palestine if there is to be sustainable peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The agreement must include implementation and international monitoring mechanisms.”