How you can help Georgia teachers provide for students

Some are teaching in person, others online. But many need help providing for students

Troopers escort girl to school

As kids head back to school, teachers face obstacles they never imagined — instructing through a mask, teaching online, to keep themselves and your children safe during a pandemic.

One thing they have in common is need. Teachers need help providing books, art supplies and technology to make their classrooms the best possible.

That’s where you come in.

Teachers throughout metro Atlanta have posted projects on Donors Choose, and the public can help fund those projects.

On the Donors Choose site, you can search schools in your ZIP code, pick projects based on subject or even choose to help schools where more than half the students are from low-income households.

Cezanne Pope, a third-grade teacher at Fickett Elementary School in Southwest Atlanta, is asking for “help me give my students a better way to explore new ideas.”

“This is my second year teaching this grade level. Previously I’ve taught second grade, so the majority of my books are on that level. I want to provide more books that my students will find interesting and on their level,” Pope writes on her project page. “These additions will help my students increase their fluency, comprehension, and stamina as they read books that are on their reading level. Please help my library level up! Thank you in advance.”

Gabrielle Grier teaches language arts at Meadowcreek High School in Gwinnett County.

“My students are the reason I want to walk into my classroom every day. They are why I strive to make my lessons better each week and why I constantly seek to continue my own learning in education,” Grier writes on her project page.

Grier’s project is to provide “a diverse collection of new and exciting books for my classroom library. In my class, I have students read a book of choice every day. This helps students not only build reading stamina but also helps my students to learn that reading can be an enjoyable experience. Most of my children come to my class having never read an entire book.”

Stephanie Curtis teaches first grade at Hope-Hill Elementary School, which is adjacent to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change.

“Many of my students are from low-income households and do not have access to the resources needed to learn at home,” she writes. “Even so, they continue to thrive and engage any way they can.”

Curtis would like books that “will allow my students to continue learning to read and expand their love of reading from home. While we are learning virtually, each student will have a set of books to read independently. We can also read them together or discuss them when we’re online since everyone will have the same set.”

Those are just three of the 1,467 projects posted by Georgia teachers on the site.