5 projects to keep your kids entertained for hours

Daily Habits To Help Kids, Develop a Positive Attitude .Scientific research suggests that humans tend to focus on negative thoughts. .Parents fear that a negative attitude will shape the way a child views themselves and the world they live in. .PersonalDevelopmentMaster.com suggests instilling these habits in kids to help them develop positive attitudes:.1. Make reading a habit, A daily reading habit can help a child strengthen their attention span, broaden their vocabulary and build self-confidence. .2. Teach children, the cycle of respect, Show children that when they treat others and the environment with respect, they will often receive the same kindness in return. .3. Impart the value, of staying optimistic, Learning that things don't always go your way can be a hard lesson for kids. .Showing children the bright side of a situation that didn't go their way can help them build a positive, optimistic outlook. .4. Let gratitude , be a daily habit, It's healthy for children to develop thankfulness for the things they have and the people they love.4. Let gratitude , be a daily habit, It's healthy for children to develop thankfulness for the things they have and the people they love.Learning gratitude can help a child foster an attitude of compassion toward others, particularly those less fortunate. .Learning gratitude can help a child foster an attitude of compassion toward others, particularly those less fortunate. .5. Make togetherness, a family habit. , This could be dinners, trips or a game night, but show kids the importance of spending time together. .According to Personal Development, a family is more than just a set of human beings, it's all thepeople and things that matter most in your life.

It’s nearly spring break and summer won’t be far behind. That means finding things to occupy your kids’ time — activities that won’t leave them complaining that they’re bored and there’s nothing to do.

These activities are fun for all ages and will keep them busy as time flies by:

Wind chimes

Let the kids bring in the noise — in a calming way — with homemade wind chimes. Use material from around the house or take a visit to your local craft store to get the essentials.

You’ll need paint, glitter, beads, stickers, rope and whatever creative, festive items your child might like.

DIY bath bombs

DIY bath bombs are created with household items like baking soda, cornstarch, coconut oil and water. They’re fun to make and use, and can be customized.

Pinterest has plenty of bath bomb recipes. And if the kids enjoy this project, you can try candles, potpourri, and air fresheners.


Credit: Inspired By Charm Pinterest

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Credit: Inspired By Charm Pinterest

Food challenge

Kids can become the stars of their own cooking challenges with exciting, age-appropriate challenges. Whether you’re cooking or baking, or trying a blindfolded tasting game, food challenges are a a great was too get some experience in the kitchen.


Wanting your kids to get a little vitamin D? Opt for gardening, which can take hours to get started and months to complete. Gather some crates to create a fun garden box, like the example below that’s in the shape of a caterpillar.

Take a day trip to your local gardening shop to gather seeds, an art store for paint, and let your child create the planter of their dreams.


Credit: The Keeper of The Cheerios

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Credit: The Keeper of The Cheerios

Stage a play

It might seem a little old-fashioned, but creating a play is just as entertaining now as it was decades ago. The only difference is that it can be shared online these days. Challenge your little artist to create a play or a puppet show.

Let their mind run wild with storylines, costume ideas and a set design. It might seem like a lot of work, but you’ll be surprised what kids can do when given a little initiative.