Thank you for making The Atlanta Journal-Constitution your choice for news and information. Today, you will find a slightly different look when you visit our homepage from your mobile device and on desktop.
The most visible change is the masthead or logo that uses our full name, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, to make it clear that is a product of the same Journal-Constitution newsroom that writes and edits our daily newspaper. It’s one of the many ways we are committed to help you be confident the journalism you are reading is rigorous, fact-based local news. You can learn more about the masthead in this letter from Publisher Donna B. Hall.
We have made updates to that are built around the best design practices to highlight even more of our journalism. Changes include:
- Updated site navigation, now located at the top left of the page, under the three-line icon, or “hamburger” menu, that is used on our homepage for mobile devices. By tapping or touching the hamburger menu, you’ll find all sections linked in a simple, concise list to help you find those that interest you.
- Across the top, below the masthead on desktop devices, is a new topic navigation bar that offers helpful links, such as Sports and Opinion, and topics in the news, such as Georgia Election Laws.
Credit: AJC
Credit: AJC
The rest of the homepage contains the same quality content you are accustomed to, including:
- Easy access to our exclusive podcasts
- A highlights list from our local news, politics and entertainment columnists
- Greater exposure to national news content
- Clear labels to distinguish newsroom content from advertising and sponsored content
- Streamlined access to our digital products including the ePaper (now found in the drop-down of your profile section; that’s also where you can access our Help and FAQ pages)
Every digital improvement we make gives our readers more ways to experience local journalism and connect with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. We will continue to improve our digital experience overall.
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