The longest running game show in TV history is coming to Atlanta. "The Price Is Right Live" will take place at the Fox Theatre on March 21.

For generations, people have been a part of the live studio audience for the interactive game show. And this spring, Atlantans will have their opportunity to “come on down” and play iconic games such as Plinko and Cliffhangers, or even spin The Big Wheel. Modeled after the television classic, tickets for the traveling stage show go on sale Oct. 7 at 10 a.m. with ticket prices starting at $39.

The franchise first began in 1956 and was later revamped by CBS, premiering “The Price Is Right” with host Bob Barker in 1972. In 2007, comedian Drew Carey became the host. “The Price Is Right” franchise has given away more 12 million dollars in cash and prizes to its audience during the past few decades.

For more information about "The Price Is Right Live!" at the Fox Theatre, visit, call 855-285-8499, or visit the Fox Theatre ticket office.