After all this time, Flappy Bird is finally back. Pull out your phones and get to downloading, people!

Actually let's rephrase that — pull out your Amazon Fire TVs and get downloading, people? As it stands, the game is only available for Amazon's set top box.

"Flappy Birds 'Family'" is available for free in the Amazon app store. It features a two-player versus mode, more obstacles, and the app's description says it's "more fun and still very hard."

The question is, will we ever see Flappy Bird return to smartphones?

Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen, who infamously pulled the game due to its popularity and addictive nature, has yet to provide any solid answers on the matter.

In May he told CNBC's Kelly Evans the game would make a multiplayer return in August and he has clearly remained true to his word.

Whether Amazon Fire TV is the only platform to get the popular, if impossibly frustrating, game remains to be seen. But one thing's for sure — chalk this up to a win for Amazon.

Headline after headline mentions the Amazon Fire TV exclusivity. Quite a bit of advertising for the company's 4-month-old set top box. (Via CNETTechCrunchThe VergeMashable)

And a writer for The Verge reminds us just how popular Flappy Bird was. After Nguyen took down the game, some headed to eBay to bid hundreds of dollars on phones with Flappy Bird installed.

Amazon's Fire TV costs a mere $99 in comparison and offers up a whole lot more than just "Flappy Birds 'Family'."

But Amazon might not be the only winner in this Flappy Bird situation.

TechCrunch posits Amazon might have dropped a "small mountain of cash" for the exclusivity deal.

And a writer for CNET says Amazon's platform is the perfect home for "Flappy Birds 'Family'" because it's well suited for local multiplayer and even offers a game controller.

Sounds like a win-win situation here.