"Kings" actor Kaalan "KR" Walker was charged with multiple sexual assault charges on Tuesday after being accused of a series of rapes dating back to 2016, PEOPLE confirms.
Walker, who recently starred alongside Halle Berry and Daniel Craig in the 2017 drama, was first arrested in Van Nuys last month after police connected him to the chain of sexual assaults, according to a news release from Los Angeles Police Department.
The actor, 23, allegedly began contacting aspiring models through the internet in 2016 and promised them opportunities for professional work.
Over a two-year span, Walker would get the women alone and then sexually assault them, police allege. It is unclear how many women were allegedly targeted.
On Tuesday, Walker was charged with nine separate counts of felony sexual assault charges, according to the police press release.
He is currently still in custody and being held on $1,080,000 bail, with his next court date scheduled for Nov. 14.
Representatives for Walker did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. It is not clear if he has retained legal counsel.
Walker made his film debut in "Kings," before landing a two-episode arc on drama television series In Contempt and a role in the remake of the 1970's thriller "SuperFly." He is also known for his career in the hip-hop industry, with his EP "The Intermission" released last year.
Los Angeles Police are currently investigating the case and whether there are any other alleged victims. The LAPD asks anyone who may have information to contact them at (818) 374-9500.
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