The Fox Theatre, which has been celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1929 Peachtree Street landmark’s saving this year, continues its trip down memory lane with the 2015 Coca-Cola Summer Film Festival. Here are the features scheduled to splash across the Fox’s 26-foot-high-by-56-foot-8-inch-wide big screen (7:30 p.m. unless noted):

June 20: “The Princess Bride”

July 16: “Jaws”

July 18: “The Breakfast Club”

July 30: “Ghostbusters”

Aug. 2: “The Sound of Music” (1 p.m.)

Aug. 15: Saturday morning cartoons (10 a.m.)

Aug. 15: “Braveheart”

Aug. 16: Legends of silent film program (4 p.m., with Ken Double on the Mighty Mo theater organ)

Aug. 29: “Frozen” (1 p.m., singalong)

General admission tickets $10 advance, $12 day of. Screening-tour package: $35. Available at the Fox ticket office, 1-855-285-8499,