Acclaimed filmmaker Ang Lee, known for projects including "Life of Pi," "Brokeback Mountain" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," is in Atlanta now working on "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk."
The film is based on the novel by Ben Fountain, about U.S. soldiers sent on a PR campaign to rally support for the war in Iraq. The cast includes Garrett Hedlund, Steve Martin and Atlanta's own Ric Reitz.
Atlanta TV, radio personalities team up for philanthropic fashion show
Area broadcasters including Channel 2 Action News anchor Jovita Moore and anchor emeritus Monica Pearson and B98.5 FM morning host Melissa Carter are lending their talents to a great cause. The "Be the Model" fashion show event from 2 to 4 p.m. April 26 at Tootsies, in the Shops Around Lenox shopping center, will benefit the Manna Fund, which is aimed at combating eating disorders.
Moore and Carter, along with Kicks 101.5 FM host Jenn Hobby, HGTV's Vern Yip, WXIA's Christine Pullara and longtime local television personality Stacey Elgin, will model. Pearson, now a host on KISS 104.1 FM, will emcee.
General admission tickets are $50. VIP tickets, which include reserved runway seats, a gift bag and post-event reception, are $100. See for full details.
Annual ‘Hoochie’ party celebrates Mother Earth
The Nature Conservancy in Georgia’s annual Earth Day celebration, known as “The Hoochie,” will be held this year from 7 p.m. to midnight April 24 at Tophat Soccer Fields in Buckhead, 500 Fairfield Road N.W.
The event chairs are Brooke and Chris Anderson and the honorary chair is Jeannie Wright. Patron hosts are Jennifer and Martin Flanagan.
The event has raised more than $4 million over the past 20 years to protect Georgia’s woods, waters and coast.
This year's Hoochie is themed "Flight in the Forest" and will feature gourmet cuisine by Epting Events, a performance by country-pop band Kinchafoonee Cowboys and great auction items. Special guests scheduled to attend include retired Channel 2 anchor John Pruitt, Georgia Public Broadcasting host Sharon Collins, the AJC's "Wild Georgia" columnist, Charles Seabrook, and Atlanta Falcons mascot Freddie the Falcon.
Individual tickets start at $125 and various levels of sponsorship are available. See
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