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Compiled by John Brieske, Pulse managing editor. Got a health care job that you love? Please send email to

Job: Clinical liaison, Regency Hospital of South Atlanta.

What I do: "I am a resource for patients, families, physicians, case managers and administrators. I equip patients and families with necessary information required to make the best choice in determining the next level of care. I am a concierge, sounding board, counselor and road warrior. Most importantly, I do what I love — helping others!"

How I got into this: "I really enjoyed being a RT. However, I wanted to do something different in the health care field. After doing my research, I was led to the clinical liaison position. I figured that I could use my experience as an RT and my outgoing personality to make a greater impact in the lives of others."

Best part of the job: "Building relationships in the community."

Most challenging part: "Dealing with health insurance providers."

What people don't know about my job: "How challenging and demanding it is to be a clinical liaison. I drive an average of 3,000 miles each month."

What keeps me going: "It's not just about placing patients in a hospital; it's about keeping people employed on the floor. If I don't get patients in the hospital, I directly affect the viability of the organization and someone's livelihood."

Preparation needed: "Great attitude, planning, personality, patience and faith."

Salary: The average annual pay for clinical liaisons in the United States is about $68,000, according to