Contact us: Compiled by John Brieske, Pulse managing editor. Do you work with someone who’s an exceptional leader? If so, please send email to

Current job: Director, critical care/trauma/wound care, Atlanta Medical Center

Family: Mother, Dorothy Wilson; sister, Shelly Wilson; son, Aaron Cody Lewis; daughter-in-law, Nichole Lewis; and grandson, Nathan Cody Lewis.

What makes a good leader? "I care about my patients, my staff and the organization I work for. Leading staff with a clear mission and vision helps them navigate difficult times as well as thriving times. Being accessible and ready to listen is important, especially when frustration builds up. Being open, honest and fair is extremely important to a staff.
"The most important trait is to be a communicator because keeping staff informed ultimately leads to less frustration when change does come about, and we all know the health care is full of change."

Who has inspired or mentored you? "Ellen Rice, RN, BSN, MSN."

What are you most proud of in your career? "Finishing my degree in my 50s. I am proud to be the director of an ICU with outstanding staff and physicians."

What's your favorite thing to do away from work? "Bird watching and traveling to national parks."

Who's your favorite fictional nurse? Why? "Nurse Helen Rosenthal from 'St. Elsewhere.' Nurse Helen — no matter how short-staffed in the [Emergency Department] or how chaotic — she kept the ED running smoothly."

What's your favorite guilty pleasure? "Sitting on my deck and resting after a long day."

Tell us something that nobody at work knows about you: "I like to surf in Huntington Beach, Calif."