Love it or hate it, one thing the Affordable Care Act has done is intensify the conversation about part-time work. Some say part-time jobs are increasing in number as employers cut back hours to skirt requirements for providing health insurance. Others say more workers are interested in going part time now that they can purchase their own health care policies.
Whether you believe employers are forcing workers into part-time positions or workers are gladly seeking them, it does seem as if more jobs are part time in nature than used to be the case.
If a part-time job is in your future, or you’re currently working part time, the following tips may come in handy.
When seeking your part-time job
1. Rely less on job postings than you might otherwise. Employers are less likely to post part-time openings since they can often stretch the existing staff while waiting for a viable candidate to cross their path.
2. Think about your needs before starting your search. Are you trying to improve your cash flow? Looking for opportunities to gain experience? Downsizing from a full-time job but staying in your profession? Your answers will determine your search process.
3. If the work you seek is different than your normal career path — perhaps it’s an interim cash flow job — avoid the “overqualified” label by making a new resume that emphasizes only the skills and experience those employers will care about.
4. If possible, confine your search to a short commute.
5. Don’t be too narrow in your thinking. If it’s a career-level position you seek, you may be surprised by the options available. Again, these positions won’t as likely be advertised, so you’ll need to approach department managers directly to discover their needs.
6. Don’t discount the down-and-dirty jobs. Delivering newspapers, stocking shelves, serving food — these are plentiful, but easy to overlook. They have advantages, however. These kinds of jobs partner well with job search and even some full-time positions because of their schedules.
7. Don’t assume the worst when it comes to benefits and other perks. You may feel that you don’t have much leverage, but it’s still worth negotiating for pro-rated sick days, training, contributions to health care, etc.
While working at a part-time job
8. This seems obvious, but treat the job with the same respect you would a full-time position. Even if it isn’t your normal career path, the job is still important to your manager. Protect your reputation as a good worker, regardless of the position.
9. Determine your boundaries. While it’s important to show some flexibility, pay attention to situations that veer toward untenable. That’s a subjective assessment, but it may include rotating schedules, last-minute shift changes, consistent requests to perform more work than you want to do, etc. You may need to switch jobs if the situation can’t be rectified.
10. Keep your eye on your goals. Did you take this job for cash flow? If so, then be sure you’re getting the hours you need. Was your intent to make contacts or gain experience? Then you need to make that happen. Touch base periodically with your manager to discuss your goals and stay on top of any promises that are made.
11. Control your career path. If you want to move up, tell your manager so he or she can factor you into the plans. If you envision more responsibilities or a full-time option in your future, lay the groundwork early by learning more tasks, taking training outside of work, and networking inside and outside the company.
12. Make friends. If it’s a cash flow job, you may be tempted to work your shift and head home. That’s logical, but shortsighted. Since you don’t know how long you’ll have the job, why not make the situation enjoyable?
As a final tip, remember to hold your head up when discussing your work with others. Never downgrade the situation by calling it “only” a part-time job, for example. People will take their cue from you, so show pride and take credit for the work you’re doing.
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