Georgia unions claim victories

Hard to believe in right-to-work Georgia, but labor unions have won the vast majority of elections the last two years, according to federal data compiled by Atlanta law firm Fisher & Phillips. The victories, though, haven’t budged the overall union membership rate in Georgia.

During the two years prior to April 14, 47 elections were held statewide. Labor won 35 of the elections; management the rest. More than 3,500 workers were added to union rolls.

Still, union membership statewide remained basically flat at 4 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nationwide, it’s 11.1 percent. Georgia has the fourth lowest membership rate in the U.S.

Some notable union victories within the last 12 months across metro Atlanta:

— 269 service and maintenance workers at North Fulton Medical Center

— 220 security guards with Chenega Corp. in Atlanta

— 111 hospital and quality control technicians at American Red Cross Blood Services in Douglasville

— 89 bus drivers for Megabus Southeast

— 76 drivers and yard workers at United Natural Foods in Atlanta