The AJC's groundbreaking investigation of physician sexual misconduct has already captured national attention.
Good Morning America featured the AJC's findings this morning in a report by Brian Ross, ABC News chief investigative correspondent.
ABC's coverage summarized the AJC's findings while also focusing on some specific physicians, including Dr. David Newman, the former head of clinical research at the Mount Sinai hospital emergency room.
Newman is facing charges that he abused four of his female patients.
"That is just stunning," GMA Anchor George Stephanopoulos said after the report.
Credit: Carrie Teegardin
Credit: Carrie Teegardin
The AJC launched its national investigation a year ago after reaching a surprising finding in Georgia: two-thirds of the doctors disciplined in the state for sexual misconduct were permitted to practice again.
The AJC obtained and analyzed more than 100,000 disciplinary documents and other records from across the country to find cases that may have involved sexual misconduct. Then reporters identified more than 3,100 doctors who were publicly disciplined since Jan. 1, 1999 after being accused of sexual infractions. More than 2,400 were sanctioned for violations that clearly involved patients. The rest were disciplined for sexual harassment of employees or for crimes such as child pornography, public indecency or sexual assault.
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