Below are the "Extended Standings" for the GHSA's 417 high school football teams. The methodology behind the Extended Standings is currently being explored in my "Getting it Right" series on

Getting it Right Index: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V

Comments on this week's Extended Standings:

- Still too early in the season to make many sweeping conclusions based on the Extended Standings. Class AAAAA still has a lead on Class AAAAAA, although it shrunk after last week's results.

- Each week I'll identify games of interest that I'll follow through the season to measure their impact. Hopefully these games will demonstrate some the five characteristics I outlined in Part I of my "Getting it Right" series, particularly economy, equitability, and rigor.

Games I'm tracking:

Buford 77-0 Berkmar: The first game we'll follow is Buford's 77-0 rout of Berkmar from last week. With the score as is, the Extended Standings say Buford would win 279.28 games if playing all 417 GHSA teams, a winning percentage of 67.1%. So let's take away those last seven touchdowns and imagine Buford won the game only 28-0, which was the score after the first quarter. Now the Extended Standings would reflect 276.73 wins for a 66.5%, a relatively minor drop of just over half a percent. As the season progresses I expect we'll see the difference actually decrease and, depending on Buford's season, might even see where a single touchdown against a stronger opponent might have benefitted them much more, such as in their upcoming game with McEachern.

Stockbridge 28-21 ELCA: Our second game of interest is Eagle's Landing Christian's 28-21 loss to Stockbridge. In the GHSA Class A power ratings, ELCA will get no points for the loss and a 2 point bonus since Stockbridge is a Class AAAAA team. As the season progresses, ELCA will get an additional point for each Stockbridge win. For the moment, compare those points to an ELCA victory over a winless Class A team, which is worth a total of ten points. Under the Class A power ratings, Stockbridge would have to complete an 8-2 season for ELCA's 28-21 loss to be worth the equivalent of a one point victory over a winless Class A team.

Concerning the Extended Standings, there’s not much to do with it at this point. However, as the season progresses I’ll pull this game out of ELCA’s schedule to see if the close loss to a Class AAAAA helps them or hurts them. I suspect in the end this will be one of ELCA’s better showings of the year. It’ll be interesting to see if the Extended Standings will detect that.

McEachern ?-? Buford: Although not played yet, this is one of the key games of the season not captured in the region standings. In short, the outcome of this game has no bearing on the playoffs. However, I'll demonstrate how it could be factored in under the Extended Standings to see this could have been one of the most pivotal games of the year (assuming McEachern and Buford live up to expectations).

If you have any other games you’d like me to consider, by all means let me know!

Extended Standings

All data is courtesy of the Georgia High School Football Historians Association.

Please submit errors or omissions through their forums.

Extended Standings use the results of the season so far to project each team's record if it were to play every other team.

Each team is shown with it's overall rank, classification rank, classification, actual record, adjusted wins and losses (adjW and adjL), rating, extended wins and losses (xWin and xLoss), and extended winning percentage (xWin%).

Sum of the negative log-likelihood: 401.2668860

Solution converged in 395 iterations