"Powers," a new show based on the comic series by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming for Sony's PlayStation Network, is filming now in Atlanta.
Credit: Jennifer Brett
Credit: Jennifer Brett
The project needs "tough looking women," according to a casting call. You need to be available both Oct. 9 and Oct. 13. All ethnicities are welcome, ages 25-55. Basically you just need to look tough.
For inspiration --->
Email CLCastingComics@gmail.com and include three photos and your age, height, weight and contact info with "FEMALE CONTROL ROOM" in the subject line.
Here's info I previously posted about this new series:
The cast includes
Michael Beasley, Claire Bronson, Pete Burris, Phillip DeVona, Aaron Farb Jeryl Prescott, Sharlto Copley, Susan Heyward
Leander Suleiman.
David Slade, known for work on the AMC hit "Breaking Bad," along with films including "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," is directing.
The project is filming today at Oglethorpe University, and has been in downtown Atlanta as well.
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