"Sully," a new movie directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks as the heroic airline pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, takes off in metro Atlanta this week.
The project did some advance work in New York, since that is where the incredible events of Jan. 15, 2009 happened. Exhibiting extraordinary courage and grace under pressure, Sully landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River after his plane was disabled by a flock of geese.
Everyone on board survived.
We're told the movie will work in Georgia for several weeks at least, and a key scene is happening here this week. (No spoilers!)
The movie needs some teen female extras. Details are below.
Credit: Jennifer Brett
Credit: Jennifer Brett
-Work dates are WED 10/28 & THUR 10/29 -filming will take place during the day- Photos need to be selected this week.
Some acting or set experience is a plus, but not required.
- Filming in the Metro Atlanta Area
-Pay rate is $100 for 8 hrs with O.T. after that
(minor under 16 work 10hrs max)
PLEASE SUBMIT TO: sullyextras@tscasting.com
and put “TEEN GIRLS” in the subject line
CURRENT, CLEAR, PHOTOS !!! (one of from shoulders up and one from the knees up- current HAIR COLOR and LENGTH MUST BE VISIBLE in at least one of the photos
- AND- and IF you have a professional shot,
a current photo (selfie) must also be included
Then please List the following:
First and Last NAME
PARENT's First and Last Name
Email address
CITY & STATE where you live (where you will be coming from!)
SIZES: Pants size, shirt size, dress size/overall size, shoe size
LIST Acting Experience, or extensive set experience OR attach a RESUME