Harold Perrineau, who appeared on the short-lived Atlanta-filmed show "Constantine," the Atlanta-filmed thriller "Sabotage" and in numerous other projects, is furious at suggestions that his daughter Aurora, whose mom is white, wasn't "black enough" to play a black character in the film "Jem and the Holograms.
"This all makes me pretty (bleeping) mad," he wrote in a guest essay for The Wrap .
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"When she was cast in the film ... she suddenly became the target of a lot of people’s anger," wrote Perrineau, known for roles in "Lost," "The Matrix" and "Oz."
"Aurora is the product of a Caucasian mother and a black father and is therefore not qualified or not 'black' enough ... according to some people. They’ve gone onto social media and spewed their vitriol directly at her. Some went so far as to suggest that she 'kill herself' for taking the role. All, without ever seeing her work in the role. All this anger based solely on the color of her skin."
The movie, based on the animated series that inspired a line of fashion dolls in the 198os, was released in October and also stars Aubrey Peeples, Stefanie Scott, Hayley Kiyoko and Molly Ringwald.
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