It’s time to open up the mailbag.
I wrote about a possible forum to take questions before the season and we have now decided to begin with a mailbag blog. This will allow readers and followers an opportunity to ask questions of the one person who attends every Hawks practice and game and regularly speaks to players, coaches, management and others in and around the NBA.
I will do something similar to Seth Emerson on the University of Georgia report. The plan is to take questions via e-mail or Twitter throughout the week. I will pick several questions to answer in a blog to be posted Tuesday mornings.
There is still a chance to begin a podcast but that is down the line.
So, fire away. Send questions by e-mail to or ask on Twitter at @CVivlamoreAJC. To make it a little easier on me, please include #AskViv in the subject line of an e-mail or at the end of a Tweet.
If I get enough questions today, I’ll post the first blog tomorrow. If not, we’ll begin next week.
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