Updating to a major new operating system version on your phone, tablet or computer? You should do something first. Credit: Screenshot / Apple Inc.
As I sat at the Apple Store Genius Bar waiting on a replacement laptop power cable (frayed and dead after four years), the steely faces of a table full of the recently bricked greeted me. These were people who tried to upgrade their iPhones to the new iOS 9 operating system only to have their devices stall out during the process. Their phones were bricked. Now they needed help and were praying their photos, contacts and apps were all still there.
I sure hope they all did a data backup up first. Whether you’re updating a computer, a smart phone or a tablet to a major new operating system, you should always do a sync/backup in case something goes wrong. Upgrading to iOS 9? Yes, a backup. Moving on to Windows 10? Backup, my friend. Switching to a new phone and transferring your data to it? Backup that old one first, why don’tcha?
Backups can be inconvenient; they sometimes take a while and may be standing in the way of you and new OS features you’re craving, whether you’re syncing to a computer or an online/cloud backup. But I promise you, the one time something goes awry, you’ll be glad you took the extra step to keep your photos, settings and the rest of your data safe.
In this space every week, we’ll define a tech term, offer a timely tip or answer questions about technology from readers. Email ogallaga@statesman.com.
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