This is a guest post from Quida Davis at Simple Savings for ATL Moms which offers tips on shopping, saving and couponing. Check back for more of her tips.

Couponers have many resources to help them find more ways to save, but there are three tools that everyone should use to help them be more frugal, especially when couponing:

Get Smart

I use my smartphone every day. There are many deals and steals that you can find using a smartphone, such as the Target Cartwheel app. The Target Cartwheel app has many savings that you can use on top of any Target Coupons and Manufacturer coupons. Even if you are in the store and unsure if there is a Target Cartwheel savings, there is a really cool scanner embedded right in the app. Get it today!

Get on the Internet

Did you know you can search for frugal bloggers in your area? Get onto the internet and search for bloggers in your local state. For example, if you live here in Atlanta, type “Atlanta Coupon Blog” and view the results. Each frugal blogger provides a different type of content, deals and topics that could be helpful to you.

Get coupon buddies

It is great to have coupon friends or family members who use coupons often. If you do not have friends who use coupons often, consider linking up with a coupon group or network. You can always share or swap coupons or learn about additional coupon deals and steals right in your neighborhood.

Quida can find a coupon for almost anything and she often surprises cashiers when she checks out. For more tips on saving and couponing, visit Quida at  Simple Savings for ATL Moms. Connect and interact with her on Twitter Facebook, and Instagram.