This is a guest post from Quida Davis at Simple Savings for ATL Moms which offers tips on shopping, saving and couponing. Check back for more of her tips.

Did you know that military who are stationed overseas can still use manufacturer coupons that are at least six months beyond the expiration date? Well now you do!

I love this and we all should be donating our expired coupons to them and not just throwing them away. Below are two great places where you can send your expired coupons from manufacturers:

Ship them to California: One of my good friends Wendy Tremiti who lives in California will kindly ship your expired coupons to the military overseas. Be sure to mail them to the following address: Wendy Tremiti, 406 Bryant Street, Suite N; Ojai, CA. 93023.

Coupons to Troops: Another great resource is Coupons For Troops and Support Our Troops.

Here’s how you should package the expired coupons. If your coupons are clipped, feel free to sort them in plastic bags. This will make it easier for them to figure out which coupons you are sending. Please do not include any printable internet coupons or any store coupons. Only send the expired manufacturer coupons.

Quida can find a coupon for almost anything and she often surprises cashiers when she checks out. For more tips on saving and couponing, visit Quida at  Simple Savings for ATL Moms. Connect and interact with her on Twitter Facebook, and Instagram.