The former NBC show “Community” moves to Yahoo and debuts its sixth season on March 17, coinciding with a SXSW panel and Q&A session that week featuring cast members and creator Dan Harmon. Credit: Yahoo
As we careen into SXSW season, I’ll be doing weekly updates (if not more often!) on what’s going on with SXSW Interactive’s many moving parts.
Here’s what we know this week:
SXSW Gaming Awards voting for its March 14 show wraps up on Wednesday (though we wouldn't be surprised if that deadline is extended). You can vote in such categories as "Video Game of the Year," "Mobile Game of the Year" and the "Matthew Crump Cultural Innovation Award." The award ceremony, which like all of Gaming is free and open to the public, will be hosted by actress Janet Varney ("The Legend of Korra") and YouTube sensation Markiplier. It happens 7 to 9 p.m. on March 14 at ACL Live at the Moody Theater.
Two panels from SXAméricas focused on Latino culture will include stars such as Diane Guerrero ("Jane the Virgin") and Wilmer Valderrama ("That '70s Show") as well as Maria Teresa Kumar of Voto Latino.
"Community" cast and creator on moving to Yahoo: cast members and creator Dan Harmon and stars Joel McHale, Ken Jeong, Allison Brie and others will be on a panel and Q&A session on March 15. We knew the timing of the online premiere of "Community," March 17, seemed a little too coincidental.
SXsports unveiled its official poster. It looks like this and is designed by Will Tullos. The Sports leg of the fest also announced an Overtime party to be held Sunday night, March 15.
Designed by Will Tullos, photo via
Dan Solomon writes on about sponsors that have left or been added to the fest. High-profile ones not returning in 2015 include Doritos and Chevy. New ones added to the mix include McDonald's, which is hosting an Interactive lounge. Also not returning this year is Apple, at least not for an iTunes Festival like last year. Of course, this is the same company that famously did a pop-up store to sell iPads near the fest in 2011 then did not return for that the next year.
Interesting panel: Gary Vee vs. Jack Welch.
Two Diversity Meet-Ups were added for February. The first, a Black Tech Community Meetup happened Thursday night, the next one is next Thursday, Feb. 12, a Latino Tech Community Meetup. It happens 6-8 p.m. at Mexic-Arte Museum.
The deadline to apply for the Startup Village ReleaseIt! competition is today (Feb. 6).
The next badge price hike goes into effect next Friday (Feb. 13).