Here’s a sampling of how the ice storm is playing out on Twitter.

97,000 without power but “knock on wood”, we still have power. — MsBossATL


So we’re iced in. —tp810


The ice pellets falling from the sky is eerie. My deck is covered with ice. — daisybuckner


Straight ice is fallling out the sky…and I’m eating Valentine’s candy at 6 am. Lawd, help me. — devinjaielle


The ice here sounds like thousands of bacon slices cooking. Like when it first hits the hot pan ya know? — Chiconomas


The freezing rain falling on the asphalt sounds like a swarm of ____ (insect name of your choice). I say crickets. — littlemisshaley


It’s humbling having no idea what tomorrow brings…hoping families will have power and be ok. — dadamo102


To all my #ATL friends, stay warm, shelter in place, and hang tough. Remember, us Southerners don’t stay down for very long. — NanciScarpulla


Dog keeps getting up, looking out the window, sighing loudly, staring at me like this #ATLweather is my fault, and going back to bed. — katekiefer


Some Atlanta Police Department officers are rocking snow chains on their squad cars this morning. — MaxBlau


Solid ice, not snow, covering everything. See you in April. — RevMama


Between the silence of snow and the clatter of rain, there is the terrible time-bomb ticking of an ice storm. — TomJunod


Hey thx #Ohio 4the support w/utility trucks on deck 4any possible power outage we have several surrounding states helping — Deltha_Oneal


Have no fear, GDOT is hear. — wbm


Somewhere in Atlanta right now, a Republican is attempting to burn snow. — baconfenders


The sound of falling sleet fills the air — nancyo


People in #ATL you know you can cook on your grill if the power goes out! — Linds360


The Atlanta Ice Storm! Since I’m from Ohio this is kinda funny. #Atl is very different yall. — jaydeedavis


“There’s no way you can deal with ice. I don’t care what Yankees say. You can’t drive in ice. — WillBrinson


As a NY transplant, I originally scoffed at the collective freak-out-ed-ness ‘round here, but the ice worry is truly legit. — ‏JamieOGrady


I’m convinced that in South one of biggest issues is overconfident northerners used to drive in cities prepared. — ‏dakern


My car looks like an ice tomb! Crossing my fingers that we don’t lose power! — amdesimone


If only rush hour traffic was like this every day! — jason_horrell


I didn’t move to the south to be subjected to this type of weather. This isn’t fair. — Malt_bia


Ice-apocalypse Season 1 Episode 2. — EricAllenSander


Somebody put a loaf of bread on Craig’s list for $65 lmao!! #ATLweather #ATL really?? Lol. — skmusic


Screw you north, with your plows and salt. We got gravel and a bobcat. That’s how we prepare for snow. — jenniebreeden



The news got folks believing we’re about to live out the Day After Tomorrow. — cupidsrevolver


Here we go again.. — ‏davidbrownnn


Go outside if you ain’t get to go ice skating this year. — BirdieG1


I’m excited to be somewhere where it’s cold out. I like the change. — @HannahKarkovice


Hey Atlanta, you have water now. Start saving up. — OswaldTunk


Atlantarctic. — rcawood


Winter storm has moved #atl up in the most dangerous places to live list. — walkthetim


The roads are like slushy!! Tonight it’s gonna freeze solid! — TonebabyiMUPG


Nathan Deal, thank Mother Nature for your redemption.— msteek


#ATL really does look like something out of #TheWalkingDead with all the wrecks caused by #badweather — @berto0312


Too much dead time makes for too much snacking. Maybe I should invest in a Wii Fit for next winter storm. — RushingHero


Reports of people doing donuts at local gas stations in Atlanta area. What could possibly go wrong? — EricJMartin


The Weather Channel names winter storms the same way latte-sipping Brooklyn hipsters name their kids. — @MurphInTampa


First Step: Admit powerlessness. No really, I’m without power. — drewbarton
