Did you know that your Visa credit card can help you save money on your next vacation? The card frequently offers a number of benefits to cardholders with discounts on cruises, car rentals, theme park admissions, sightseeing tours to luggage purchases:
- Save 15% at eBags.com
- 10-20% savings on GrayLine sightseeing tours
- 20% off of LEGOLAND park admission tickets
- Save 20% on stays at IHC Hotels (4,000 locations including InterContinental, Holiday Inns)
- Up to a 20% savings on car rentals, free upgrade or free rental day
- A 25% savings on stays at Hard Rock Hotels
One particularly good offer comes from Marriott Resorts in the Caribbean. Enjoy a complimentary night and a daily resort credit when you pay with your Visa card.
Stay for a minimum of three, four or five nights (based on resort) and the next consecutive night is free. This offer also includes a $50 daily resort credit.
Reservation must be booked by Dec. 20 for stays completed by Feb. 5, 2014 (blackout dates may apply). Refer to promo code S29.
Get Visa e-mail notifications of all travel savings offers or view the ever-changing list of deals at http://usa.visa.com/personal/discounts/index.jsp
Clara Bosonetto is a retired travel consultant.
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