There's a question iPhone users everywhere are asking their smartphones:
"Hey, Siri, can you beatbox for me?"
A newly discovered feature reveals that when asked, Siri will recite a rendition of the popular form of vocal percussion.
You can also try asking, "Siri, do you know how to beatbox?"
Her response will be the same: "Here's one I've been practicing."
She'll then proceed to repeat "boots and cats and boots and cats" over and over again. "I could do this all day," she says.
Some users have criticized the trick, claiming her rendition doesn't sound enough like the human beatboxing that was used in Paul McCartney's "That Would Be Something" and that gained popularity in hip-hop music in the 1980s.
Siri, which is short for speech interpretation and recognition interface, was designed to enunciate words clearly. Users have to imagine a beatboxer saying the words or have to say them aloud to understand the artistry.
Give it a try.
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