When I started writing this column – more than two decades ago, that’s light years ago when it comes to computers – new computers moved from state-of-the-art to antique in months. That’s because newer and faster models hit the market so quickly in those days.
That meant that I ended up writing “how to buy a computer” columns almost every other month. The landscape kept changing – the average amount of RAM (computer memory) seemed to double every week; we went from 5.2 inch floppy disks, to 3.5 inch floppy disks, to hard disks almost overnight. So my recommendations for computers kept changing.
Compared with how things were back then, hardware changes have slowed down. So, today, buying a new computer isn’t as dependent on the speed of the processor, the amount of RAM or the size of the hard disk. These days the least expensive new computer on the shelves is powerful enough and has enough storage for most home computer users.
But there are choices to be made these days – it’s just that the criteria have changed. Let’s take a look at some of the decisions you need to make if you are in the market for a new computer. But let me warn you, some of my opinions clash with what the hotshot experts are saying. I’m OK with that.
For instance, especially in the trade press – periodicals and websites aimed at an insider audience – the word is that the desktop computer is, if not dead, on life support. Microsoft surely must have believed that, otherwise why would it have created the perfectly awful Windows 8. It was aimed directly at those who use tablet computers and touch screens. The reaction from the public came fast and ugly. So Microsoft scurried and dumped Windows 8.1 onto the market. It was more accommodating to desktop and laptop users but still quite a mess. That’s why even newer versions are on the wings.
All that sets the stage for the first decision you must make – will a tablet computer (something like the excellent Apple iPad serve your needs)? If you do little more than browse the web, play a few games and take care of your email, maybe it will. But I think even that is a stretch – tablet computers make excellent second or third machines but aren’t suited to be your primary computer.
Anyone who must use a computer to do actual work can’t survive with just a tablet. If I had to type this column on a tablet I’d still be typing next year. Sure I could avoid using the touch screen to type and get an accessory keyboard. But if you keep adding accessories to a tablet you end up with a bulky mess that defeats the reason for getting the tablet in the first place.
So – speaking now to those of you who have work to do that requires a computer – that leaves you with the choice of a laptop or a desktop computer. The choice for me is easy – I have a tablet, several laptops and a houseful of desktop computers. If you can manage it, I recommend that you have both a laptop computer and a desktop and add in a tablet just for fun. For serious work it’s hard to beat a desktop computer. But, when traveling, it’s nice to have the laptop along.
Now assuming you can have just one computer, I’d vote for a nice laptop. Like I said, it can be as powerful as you need and it’s handy to be able to take your computing chores with you while traveling. The compromises you make are that most laptop keyboards aren’t as comfortable for typists as those for a desktop computer. And, unlike a desktop computer that can be left running 24/7 (although I don’t recommend it) laptop computers can and will overheat if they are left constantly running.
There’s another choice that deserves some thought. Do you buy a PC – running Windows – or do you go with a Macintosh? I’ve logged a lot of time with both and have ended up making the PC my computer of choice. I’ve used them since there has been such a thing as a PC and feel comfortable handling the problems that crop up.
But over time the Mac has become a viable and strong contender. My wife, like many others, moved from a PC to a Mac and is happy with her decision. She was tired of worrying about viruses and a Mac is virtually immune to that sort of a thing. But the biggest single argument for a Mac is the wonderful technical and customer support. You won’t find anything like it from any PC manufacturer – or from Microsoft. I hate to gush but – heck I’ll do it anyway – when Mary has needed help for her iPhone, her iPad or her Mac laptop it’s come in bucketfuls from truly nice people who know what they are doing in a way that’s rare these days.
There you have it – the things I believe you should think about when it comes time to buy a new computer. It’s sort of neat really – unlike the old days most of you won’t have to ponder gigabytes, megabytes, RAM and hard disk sizes. Instead, these are the kind of decisions that you can make without any technical background. Instead, your choice requires that most uncommon of qualities – common sense.
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