"Quantum Break." An extremely ambitious fusion of TV show and game from Remedy Entertainment ("Max Payne," "Alan Wake") in which action combat is mixed with controlling shifts in time. It features actors including Aidan Gillen from "Game of Thrones," Dominic Monaghan, Lance Reddick and Shawn Ashmore. Rated M for Mature. $60 for Xbox One and Windows PC.

"Dirt Rally." 39 rally cars from the past and present engage in six big rallies over 70 stages in this Rallycross sim from Codemasters. Rated E for Everyone, $60 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Also out this week: "Assassin's Creed Chronicles" (Sony PlayStation Vita), "Super Arcade Football" (PC), "Enter the Gungeon" (PS4, PC), "Hover Junkers" (PC), "Space Pirate Trainer" (PC), "Holodance" (PC), "The Legend of Luca" (PC), "Soul Thief" (PC), "Vanishing Realms" (PC), "R.B.I. Baseball 16" (Xbox One, PS4), "Toy PLane Heroes" (PC), "Unseen Diplomacy" (PC), "Kill to Collect" (PC), "Artificial Defense" (PC), "MXGP2: The Official Motocross Videogame" (PC, PS4), "Super Robo Mouse" (PC, Nintendo Wii U), "A Blind Legend" (PC), "Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth" (PC), "Tower Unite" (PC), "Automata Empire" (PC), "Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered" (Xbox One), "Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek" (Xbox One).