New video games out this week:

"Battleborn." A colorful first-person online shooter from the studio behind "Borderlands," this one's got 25 playable heroes who play in a single-player story mode or 5-on-5 online matches. The game promises a quick ramp-up for new players and a less gritty, dystopian feel than most shooters. (Think "Team Fortress 2" instead of "Doom") Rated T for Teen. $60 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

"Push Me Pull Me." A favorite from Austin's Fantastic Arcade festival, this 2-4 player wrestling game is a little out-there. As the developer describes it: "Joined at the waist, you and your partner share a single worm-like body as you wrestle your opponent for control of the ball." Weirdly addictive! Not Rated. Price not yet announced, downloadable for PlayStation 4.

Also out this week: "Shadow Complex Remastered" (PS4, PC), "Ray Gigant" (Sony PlayStation Vita), "Neverending Nightmares" (PS4), "Fragments of Him" (PC), "Superhot" (Xbox One), "Positron" (PC), "Dr. Spacezoo" (PC), "Liveza: Death of the Earth" (PC), "Touch Selections" (Nintendo Wii U), "Kathy Rain" (PC), "I and Me" (PC), "The Beggar's Ride" (PC), "Magic Quest" (PC), "Hyposphere" (PC), "Pocket Card Jockey" (Nintendo 3DS), "Yon Paradox" (PC), "Imhotep, Pyramid Builder" (PC), "Spunk and Moxie" (PC).