"Homefront: The Revolution." This ambitious open-world game takes place four years after the Korean People's Army has occupied the United States; players help build a resistance cell with or without the help of a co-op buddy. No multiplayer in this game, but expectations are high for the single-player campaign. Rated M for Mature. $60-$160 in Standard, Bundle and Collector's Editions for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

"Valkyria Chronicles Remastered." This World War II-set tactical battle game includes downloadable content from the original game as well as a demo of the upcoming "Valkyria: Azure Revolution." Rated T for Teen. $30 for PlayStation 4.

Also out this week: "Shadow of the Beast" (PS4), "Space Codex" (PC), "Soft Body" (PC, PS4), "Bizarre Earthquake" (PC), "The Temporal Invasion" (PC), "Shadwen" (PC, PS4), "The Song of Seven: Chapter One" (PC), "Mimic Arena" (PC, Xbox One), "LightWalk" (PC), "Youtubers Life" (PC), "Space Pirates and Zombies 2" (PC), "Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun" (PC), "Retool" (PC), "Doodle Kingdom" (PC), "Koihime Enbu" (PC), "Last Fight" (PC), "The Way" (PC), "Linkrealms" (PC), "Digger Dan DX" (Nintendo 3DS), "City Play" (PC), "The Dweller" (PC), "Postal Redux" (PC), "Systematic Immunity" (PC).