Matt Bryant: ‘To miss that kick is no good for anybody’

Here's what the Falcons said after the loss Sunday to the Cardinals:


On the missed extra point attempt:
"To miss that kick is no good for anybody. We've kind of dug ourselves a hole, and you don't want to end it like that. What the team did to come back from where we were, it was just disappointing."

On what happened during the missed kick:
"I just hit it too high on the ball, and that's why it goes left like that. I missed it."

On how the team fought back and gave themselves a chance to win:
"At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is how it ends. I've gotten a lot of support, but it doesn't take away from the feeling of being depended on to go out there and do my job and coming up short. It's disappointing for us to fight back the way we fought back and to not finish it off."

» MATT RYAN: A lot of football left to play

On the second-half comeback:
"It just shows who we are. We're fighters. They just executed a little bit better in certain situations. We just have to put it all together for a full 60 (minutes) and not get back in the trials that we have to fight back from."

On if he thinks the second half is what the team can be:
"Yes, just keep it simple and do your job and play assignment football. When we started doing that, nobody was doing something different than what they were supposed to be doing. Everybody just played together. We just have to clean up the last little bit."

On how much he would fight for head coach Dan Quinn:
"I'm always fighting for coach. He gave me the chance to take care of my family. He's the one who got me off of the (practice) squad to come up and be a fighter for him. I'm going to fight until the end forever for him. I know he deserves better."

On if the whole team feels the same way about Quinn:
"I know everybody is fighting for him. I know everyone is trying to do the best they can. We just have to string them together and hopefully they don't keep ending up like this."

On what he would say to K Matt Bryant:
"Keep going. Keep your head up. Keep fighting. It never comes down to one play. It takes a full accumulation of 60 minutes."

» DAN QUINN: 'Our team is hurting'

On what they changed as a team to start the second half:
"We were just able to get stops in the second half versus the first half. Just executed better."

On what needs to change to start getting pressure on the quarterback:
"You have to keep working."

On how he feels six games through the season:
"It's disappointing, but you have to keep working."

On how the offense performed in the second half:
"It was good. It didn't matter what the score was, it was just one play at a time for us. We just have to make up our mind of who were going to be. When you wake up in the morning you have to make that decision of who you're going to be. We control that. We just have to watch film. I feel like everyone battled today. The penalties, I think, were down, but at the end of the day we have to focus on us to get things turned around."

On his feelings on the season after six games:
"Definitely not where we want to be at. I'm not a player that gets frustrated with things like that and trying situations. I'm going to lead by example. We have to come to work everyday. In games we're obviously not getting the outcomes we want. But in the locker room you have to be that leader. Keep fighting and just do what we do. We can't control certain things. The only thing we can control is our performance for ourselves individually and going out there and playing collectively."

On what he said to K Matt Bryant after the missed extra point: 
"I can't really remember, but we're together. He's not by himself. We're not going to turn our backs on him. I would want someone to act the same way with me. We know he's not trying to miss it. That's his job, to make them. But he's a hell of a kicker. I wouldn't want anybody in that situation but him. He's made so many of those. You can't define yourself by one miss. I got his back. It's definitely not his fault in this game at all. You can't look at the last play. There were a lot of plays where we didn't win this game today. We didn't execute."

On moving forward after a tough loss:
"We just have to keep working and keep letting that bond built. That's it. We're all we got and we're all we need. We just have to find a way."

On the Falcons halftime adjustments:
"We really just ran what we've been running all week. I don't know, it clicked, and we started moving the ball. We have to get better at coming out right away. We'll go back to practice and get better."

On how he would describe the start to the season:
"I wish we were 6-0. It's not great. Right now is not good at all."

On what he said to K Matt Bryant:
"I just thought we were going to get another chance. I said, 'Don't worry about it, man. You're going to kick this ball again. You're going to have a chance to help us get this win.' It didn't work out like that, but Matt B., I love Matt B. It sucks, but he's a great player. I know that. I don't know what that was today; it's weird. It's alright."

On the end of the game being disappointing:
"Yes, very disappointing. We want to win every game. A couple calls out there were not good. One of them was a fumble, but it's football. It's over with, and we'll work on the next game."

On if QB Kyler Murray was out of bounds on the last first down of the game:
"Even before that, the fumble. That was a fumble. It is what it is."


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