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Relationship breakdowns happen for a multitude of reasons, but nearly all of them are preventable.

Here are 11 ways you can keep your love life on a positive track.

Let go of grudges: When you feel resentments starting to build, talk to your partner so you can resolve the issue.

Avoid taking your partner for granted: You have to continue doing things to make your partner see how much you love them. By putting just a little extra energy into your relationship, you will help it thrive.

Face adversities with your partner: If your mate has a problem, you need to be there for them. The two of you can deal better with whatever comes your way when you act as a team.

Be trusting of the person you share your life with: If you worry about your partner cheating or leaving you, or you don’t trust they will do the right thing in a particular situation, discuss your fears and let your mate help you feel safe.

Help your partner rise to the challenges we all face: It’s all too common to start fighting more when disturbed by changes in our lives, but by being sensitive and supportive, you can stop the fighting before it has a chance to start.

Discuss and deal with problems head-on: If you don’t, your problems will only grow over time and become more difficult to solve. Communication is your best ally, and it’s the only way to figure out how to overcome a problem.

Don’t let anxiety or depression stop you from living a full life with your partner: We all have difficult days. It’s a part of life. When your mate is down or overly worried, do your best to be a cheerleader. Your love and support will help them cope with emotional challenges.

Do new things together to avoid boredom and to enhance your bond: This is a tried-and-true way to get closer and keep your relationship growing in a positive direction.

Speak what’s in your heart: Being afraid to be vulnerable or to voice important truths will keep your intimacy from growing. Talking about what really matters fosters closeness. Make the first move and ask your mate to listen to what you need to say.

Learn to stand up for yourself: If you feel you’re being bullied and are not getting your needs met, you need to go toe to toe with your partner and clearly state what you need from them. If they won’t hear you, it’s time for counseling.

Maintain your faith in your partner and in your relationship: When you do, you keep unhealthy patterns from developing. You need to continue to make the effort to grow with your partner and to change what you need to change.

Use these skills necessary to build and foster a secure and comfortable existence. It starts with a mutual desire to end the bickering and to communicate.

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D.. is an award-winning psychotherapist and humanitarian. He is also a columnist, the author of eight books and a blogger for PsychologyToday.com with nearly 35 million readers. He is available for in-person and video consults worldwide, reach him at Barton@BartonGoldsmith.com

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