Taking Ukraine is unacceptable; Putin must be stopped

I was shocked when I read the letter, “Putin rightly doesn’t want foe near Russia” (Readers Write, Feb. 20). There’s a significant difference between the democracy of the United States and communist Russia.

To what end do we placate Vladimir Putin -- do we give in to his every whim as was done with Hitler prior to WWII? What nations are acceptable to lose to communism -- Ukraine? What about Finland, which borders Russia? Poland borders Ukraine, so do we give Putin Poland too? How about Germany -- shall we split that country in two again?

Only one group in this country has little regard for the world, and Trump leads that group. We witnessed his caving to Putin, believing him over our own intelligence community. Putin MUST be stopped to avoid WWIII.


Trump’s victimhood fools his supporters

I have finally figured out the draw that Donald Trump has for his supporters. He appeals to the victim in all of us and the belief that if only we change a few things, success will find us all. Who is better at playing the victim than Trump? Impeached, multiple bankruptcies, divorces, and investigations and he tells us that his enemies will never relent in their efforts to bring him down. I found Trump to be covered in self-inflicted wounds. The grand illusion is that he has evaded the justice that would catch up with the common man. Don’t all con artists convince us that they are just like us? Don’t all grifters rob their victims by convincing them they can get something for nothing? The con man is pulling the biggest grift of all time; he attempts to con us out of our country. There are better people, Democrats and Republicans alike, who could better unite our country and address our problems.