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In GOP world, up is down, wrong is right

Explain to me our topsy-turvy, upside-down world.

Some Republicans praise Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, calling him “an inspiration to the world.” They say democracy has gone too far in protecting the rights and voices of its citizens, and that the United States needs a king with absolute immunity to keep us safe.

They’ve abandoned a long-standing conservative policy platform for no platform — just support whatever the king wants. Small government is out; meddling in the lives and bodies of Americans is in. Don’t like some voices? Gerrymander them. Republican leadership bemoans college campus protests and calls for the National Guard to quash the “riots” yet stubbornly claims that Jan. 6, 2021, was a peaceful protest under the First Amendment. Up is down; wrong is right.

The change in once-reasonable people over the past decade is frightening. Heaven help us come November should the United States fall like Germany once did at the hands of well-meaning people who believe lies and think democracy just needs shaking up a little.


Military service builds leadership

Americans expect our military to always be there. Absent a draft, one way to market the military is to show what the person may gain from the experience — unusual stories.

My degree is in marketing, and I served as an Air Force and Marine officer. Recently, I spoke with two Army recruiters at a Rotary meeting who tell potential recruits to “Be all you can be.” They discussed college money. I believe they should market the non-monetary gain the person would get from the experience.

The military often comes during the window before marriage, kids and mortgage while the person is in youthful shape. It would not hurt members of Congress to have experienced this. The unusual training, communication and leadership skills are transferable and come with stories of a lifetime. Young people might consider that they can always get a different “job” later.

One day they can say, “I once did something most never do.”