Ways the government can keep green jobs flowing

It is great news to hear about new solar panel manufacturing jobs arriving in Americus, “Solar firm bringing 500+ jobs” (Business, Oct 8). Let’s face it. There just aren’t a lot of oil-drilling and coal-mining jobs in Georgia. The more-rural parts of our state really need job opportunities to give our young people the option of staying at home.

Plus, Georgia is doing its part to overcome the climate emergency -- we are now one of the leading solar states in the Union.

How can the government help keep the green jobs pipeline flowing?

Let’s make sure that the companies thinking about investing in renewables and efficiency know they can profit from their investments. The best way to do this is federal legislation putting a price on carbon. If a carbon price makes it into the President’s big infrastructure package, we can expect more green jobs in the Peach State.


Unvaccinated should stay out of public spaces

The letter, “Freedoms lost due to the unvaccinated” (Readers Write, Oct. 8), could not be more on target. I, and I am sure many, many more, feel the same way.

Why do anti-vaxxers get more rights than my family and me? They should be the ones required to stay at home if their chosen behavior is dangerous to others. Let those parents -- who feel they have the medical background to take charge of their children’s health and choose no vaccine or no mask and others who feel they have the right to say no to vaccines and masks -- do so in the comfort of their own homes – and not in public spaces.

Governments exist to protect our health, safety and welfare. If you don’t want this service, stay in your own space and not out in public, taking away the health, safety and welfare of others. Time for us civilized, silent types to speak out for our rights.