A tongue-in-cheek solution for Stone Mountain

Here is a potential solution for the “What should we do with Stone Mountain?” question. Why don’t we simply change the faces on the three horse riders. Re-carve them into John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Sam Elliott. The laser show could be altered to include clips of old westerns. There could be a horse and buggy ride for those who don’t want to walk to the top of the mountain. People could be encouraged to wear costumes from the 1800s when they attend Easter sunrise service.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I am not being serious. It’s too bad the carving glorifies Confederate soldiers. The carving itself is an awesome thing, just not what it represents.


A worrisiome echo of McCarthyism in today’s Congress

Before addressing the actions of a nationally known Congressional Republican, let me refer to another high- profile Republican from the 1950s, U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who was obsessed with falsely claiming that f Communists had infiltrated the State Department and other federal agencies. In the process, he ruined the lives and careers of numerous loyal and patriotic Americans.

McCarthy and his chief counsel, Donald Trump’s original “fixer” Roy Cohen, in the spring of 1954 raised the issue of lax security at a top-secret Army installation. The Army hired Boston lawyer Joseph Welch to present their defense. Subsequently , McCarthy claimed that one of Welch’s lawyers had ties to a communist organization. Welch, being visibly incensed at the claim by McCarthy, angrily proclaimed, “Let us not assassinate this lad further Senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of of decency?”

McCarthy was shortly thereafter ostracized and censured by his fellow Republicans and died a broken man at the age of 48.

Fast forward to another high-profile Republican, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (no relative of Joe) whose total fealty to Donald Trump is unchallenged. His latest insult to decency, honor and integrity is his refusal to vote for the creation of a much-needed January 6 insurrection commission.

Should not the 1954 demand of ”Have you no decency” be directed to McCarthy? Only the future of our cherished democracy is at hand!


Lengthy process of canceling voter registration fuels distrust in gov’t.

In a recent article about the efforts to inform potential Georgia voters that their registration could be canceled, it was stated that more than 700,000 letters would be sent to persons who had filed national change of address forms, or had registered to vote, or gotten drivers’ licenses in other states.

If they didn’t respond within 40 days, their Georgia voter registration would be cancelled after the next two general elections!

This isn’t just being lenient; this is criminal! If you have solid evidence that they are no longer Georgia residents, and they do not respond or have no valid excuse, why not cancel their registration now? Why allow them any further opportunity to vote illegally? What possible positive outcome could result in this?

Supposedly this 4-year or 2-year, election “inactive” list is federally required, but unless someone can explain that logic rather than insanity was the reason for establishing it, this will be just another straw on the camel’s back of voter distrust in government.