Epidemic of guns everywhere has to stop
It seems somewhat hypocritical that those who vote to enlarge gun rights and the politicians who sign those bills are now, after this horrendous school shooting and loss of lives in Barrow County, calling for thoughts and prayers. Apparently, this hasn’t worked since Columbine.
And there are other guilty parties, in addition to politicians, who have participated in the ease of access to guns in our communities, which has left vulnerable teenagers and others to make disastrous decisions.
I ask everyone who has participated in this epidemic of guns everywhere to please use your power and stature to reverse gun laws likely causing harm and/or improve gun safety laws. I include myself in this request.
Isn’t this “the elephant in the room?”
School shootings not normal in other countries
We have lived this so many times. Nobody does anything to fix it. Now, four more people are dead, and countless people are traumatized.
This isn’t normal, and it doesn’t happen in other countries.
Until next time.
Put aside politics and enact bipartisan gun laws
The shooting at Apalachee High School, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries, is symbolic of the nationwide tragedy of gun violence. It is perhaps more evident here in Atlanta with Gov. Kemp’s passage of the law allowing the unlicensed carry of handguns without a background check. This can only be defined as pure insanity.
Every day, we hear of shootings in the Atlanta area, and many of the victims are teenagers. In a normal year, there are 1,603 gun deaths and 4,492 injuries in Georgia. When are the politicians in Georgia going to put aside politics and enact bipartisan common sense gun laws? I do not have children in school here, but I can’t begin to imagine the grief of parents.
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