POTUS’ failure to act when needed subjects him to penalties

Teachers, doctors, policemen and the president of the United States are all held to a higher standard. They have an obligation the rest of us don’t have, an obligation to act under certain circumstances. If a doctor is present at a car wreck with injuries, he or she has an obligation to treat those in need. The president is the leader of the United States and has an obligation to act when the nation is being harmed. Failure to act is failure to perform his duties and subjects him to penalties.


Election ‘victory’ seems based on bullying of opponents

Is this election victory the type you actually want? By suppressing even hearing what the opponent says as “reasons”? I want victories based on good sense logic. I want to not be “convicted” on charges without proof, based on false premises, rumors and false testimonies of people who only want to push me out of the way of their goals. I do not want a government that operates on being the bully that overpowers people by the loudness of voices, by financially or physically disabling people, and by destroying peoples’ ability to defend themselves or their reputations. We need to realize these strategies, while unchallenged, will soon enough be turned against the rest of us.


Gov. Kemp casts blind eye to Obamacare’s underpinnings

Oblivious to the pandemic, Gov. Brian Kemp’s law-and-order philosophy casts a blind eye to laws that bind him, such as the Affordable Care Act. Kemp wants to block Georgians’ access to healthcare.gov. As he disregarded his own restrictions for public gatherings to curry favor with President Trump, Kemp has shown many times that he can never fill the role as a leader.