Georgia prison abuses demand explanations
I can’t think of a more compelling reason for a free press than your coverage of the Georgia prison system and the resulting response from the Georgia Department of Corrections: “Prisons clamp down on information” in the Jan. 1, 2024 edition of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Of course, they clamp down. The AJC has laid out the whole sorry mess. If this news were coming from Russia or Iraq, we would be raising Cain and calling for an end to the barbarism, and that’s exactly what we should be doing here in Georgia.
Our tax dollars are being squandered while prisoners and guards are being hurt and killed. When someone in prison shows millions on his bank statement from money he accumulated while in prison, it’s time to demand explanations.
When the prison system is refusing to release information even on who died, one has to wonder what else is woefully awry.
Thank you, AJC. Keep up the good work.
Haley’s Civil War comments symptomatic of party’s decline
I had such great hope in the Nikki Haley candidacy. I thought she represented the best hope of an electable Republican, but her comments about the causes of the Civil War -- without mentioning slavery -- mean she is not the savior of the Republican Party. She is simply sounding its death knell.
The Republican Party was founded on the principle that slavery is evil. If we have reached a point where a major contender for the Republican presidential nomination can’t bring herself to mention the one thing that they should be proud of, that without the practice of slavery, there would not have been a Civil War.
I believe the Republican Party of 2024 is the pickup-driving, confederate flag-waving, election-denying, Trump-loving, ally-abandoning, tyrant-loving mess of a party we see today. There are a few notable exceptions, but not enough to save them.
If you want to find a true Republican today, look in a history book.