Rooftop solar benefits consumer and planet

Heat-trapping gases must be cut in half by 2030 to prevent the worst impacts of overheating the climate. Every state must contribute its fair share of those reductions to meet this target.

But if we stay on the path adopted by Georgia’s Public Service Commission [PSC], the state’s obligation won’t be met.

The Energy Transition Institute (ETI) has produced a fact-filled, state-by-state analysis of necessary emission reductions, mainly by curtailing fossil fuel combustion. According to ETI, Georgia is one of 15 states that produce disproportionately high amounts of heat-trapping gases, attributed to using coal and natural gas to produce electricity.

To enable America to meet its obligations in reducing heat-trapping emissions, Georgians must not only continue closing coal plants, as now planned, but we must not substitute natural gas for coal.

Accelerating the use of rooftop solar will help meet carbon-reduction goals while also benefiting consumers with lower power bills. Yet residential rates are now expected to rise under a proposal being considered by the PSC.


Record-breaking early voting cast doubt on voter suppression assertions

As record-breaking early voting occurred for the Senate run-off, complaints continued regarding the “nightmare” of voting law SB202, stating that it would disqualify voters in Democratic-leaning areas, which it hasn’t, criminalize the provision of food and water to voters waiting in line, even though they can legally bring their own food and water, and require an ID to vote, which is mandated for every other function in Georgia that requires an ID to prove one’s identity.

With all of these provisions supposedly passed to disqualify poor, underprivileged Democratic voters, I have yet to hear of one eligible person who could not cast their vote for any reason.

If any voter suppression was discovered during the recent general election, you would think this would be a rallying point for Democrats, but not a word to date. Looks like much ado about nothing.