YouTube suspends Logan Paul’s ad revenue after ‘recent pattern of behavior’

The social media star and actor was born Apr. 1, 1995 in Ohio. He gained notoriety on Vine before rising to fame on other platforms. He has 15 million subscribers and 2 billion views on YouTube. His content includes daily vlogs, challenges and short films. He's collaborated with companies, including Hanes, HBO and PespsiCo,

Weeks after Logan Paul apologized for sharing a video of what appeared to be a dead body, YouTube has temporarily suspended all ads from his page.

» RELATED: 5 things to know about Logan Paul

The company announced the news on Friday, revealing that the vlogger’s “recent pattern of behavior” led to the decision.

"After careful consideration, we have decided to temporarily suspend ads on Logan Paul's YouTube channels. This is not a decision we made lightly, however, we believe he has exhibited a pattern of behavior in his videos that makes his channel not only unsuitable for advertisers but also potentially damaging to the broader creator community," the site said in a statement to Verge.

The platform noted several incidents, including his suicide video as well as clips of him encouraging followers to try the Tide Pod challenge, removing a fish from a pond to jokingly give it CPR and tasering a dead rat. They also said he attempted to monetize a video that violate's the corporation's advertiser-friendly guidelines.

» RELATED: YouTube star Logan Paul apologizes for posting video of apparent dead body

Earlier this year, YouTube removed Logan Paul from its Google Preferred platform, which givers ad buyers easier access to popular YouTubers, and put a hold on his content deals. The latest punishment could stop an income estimated at more than one million dollars a month, according to Social Blade, a site that tracks social media statistics.

Much of the controversy began when the 22-year-old, who has 16 million YouTube subscribers, made a post titled “We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest.” It followed him and his friends as they visited sites there, including Aokigahara or the Sea of Trees, which is known as one of the world’s most popular suicide sites.

After it hit the web, he received a ton of backlash, removed the upload the next day (after it had been viewed 6 million times) and issued an apology on YouTube, Twitter and Good Morning America.

"It happened for a reason. I think that reason is so I could take this experience, learn from it, spread the message the right way about suicide prevention and suicide prevention awareness," he told Good Morning America earlier this month. "It's time to learn from the past as I get better and grow as a human being."

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