A heartbroken family in Colorado is fighting to get their beloved dog returned after he was confiscated by Aurora Animal Control as a wolf-hybrid.
The Abbato family has had their 10-year-old dog named Capone for a decade now, and considesr him a member of their family.
Capone escaped from their yard on Feb. 24 right into the custody of Animal Control, who refused to allow the dog to return home when the family came to claim him, KDVR TV reported.
Animal officials, believing he’s a wolf-hybrid, ran a DNA test on him and are waiting for the results. Capone could be euthanized or shipped to a sanctuary, depending on the results of the test.
The dog’s owner, Tracy Abbato, said the dog is part German shepherd.
"I am 100 percent confident he is not a wolf, not a doubt in my mind," Abbato told KDVR.
Capone remains in the Aurora Animal Shelter and that’s upsetting the family.
"It's hard for me. It's hard for my kids. He's a family member. We've had him for almost 10 years. We miss him," she said.
The family said they’ve hired a lawyer and plan on asking a judge to allow the dog to return home while they wait for the test results.
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