Jobs in metro Atlanta look plentiful from where Brookhaven is sitting.

» Which Ga. county has the best (and worst) unemployment rate? 

DeKalb County's 11th city boasts the lowest unemployment rate in metro Atlanta, according to the Georgia Department of Labor's preliminary December report. Brookhaven's unemployment rate sat at about 2.3 percent in December.

That's less than half of metro Atlanta's 4.9-percent jobless rate, which slipped below 5.0 percent for the first time in November. 

» Click here to read more about metro Atlanta's latest unemployment rate

GDOL spokesman John Ard told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a previous article that the department calculates unemployment rates each month using data including all civilians ages 16 and older. There is no cut-off retirement age and the data does not include non-civilian military personnel.

All cities included in GDOL's report have a total population of 25,000 or more.

And Brookhaven residents seem to be contributing well. In December 2014, the city was still the best employed in the metro area, boasting a 2.7 percent unemployment rate when the rest of the metro area experienced 6 percent unemployment.

Metro Atlanta's unemployment rate has dropped since then, but not all cities are faring as well as Brookhaven.

East Point suffers the most unemployment in the area, with a 7.4 percent rate.

The good news? That's down from the 9.4 percent unemployment rate that was plaguing East Point at the same time last year, according to GDOL statistics.

How does your city stack up? Click here to find out.