No one can say what goes through the mind of a possum so it’s hard to guess why one would think a toilet roll dispenser would make a suitable home.
But despite the marsupial's opinion the park rangers at Yarra Bend Park in Australia didn't share the same view, so began work on removing the little creature, Mashable reported.
They were first alerted to possum’s strange home when a presumably freaked out park cleaner gave them a call.
"Hi Cameron," the unusual message played, "there is a possum living inside the paper dispenser of the toilet at the Loop picnic area. Thank you."
With the ranger’s help, the marsupial no longer lives in his sad little metal box and is instead frolicking in the Australian park wilderness where he belongs.
As the possum rescuers wrote, “needless to say, the possum was evicted and has been set up in new, more spacious accommodation."
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